Our Dwarf Hamster of half-a-year, Teemy gave birth to her 1st litter of pups yesterday evening. Eight (8) pups altogether. But 2 died so only 6 left. Had only notice them when I got home in the evening after work and was eating my dinner then. Could have saved the other two (2) if I notice it earlier.
They make me feel squeamish in the beginning but I still think that they are rather cute. My boyboy was so excited that he named them all on the spot. LOL.
[this is good] Babies! That's so cool... You got male and female? Good that boy is interested too. :)
Posted by: Mikey | 04/09/2009 at 09:49 AM
Errr.. I don't think Muse's is expert enough to tell em apart. Besides, Muse isn't supposed to touch em just yet unless Muse wanna risk Mama ham-ham eating her own child :o
Yea it's good to see my boy so excited over this.
Posted by: Kleio the Muse | 04/09/2009 at 04:03 PM